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  • Writer's pictureJessica

Haunted Readings 1: The Crescent Hotel

Updated: Dec 31, 2022

This is the first reading in a series of five that focuses on specific hauntings that exist throughout the continental US. In an attempt to execute paranormal research from a distance, as well as improve my intuition and mediumship abilities I will be performing these readings with very limited prior knowledge of the places I am reading. Each location I’m attempting to go in as “blind” as possible, so I’m choosing places where I have little to no knowledge about. I’ll go more into depth about what I know from just random experience before reading these places fully with cards.

Prior Knowledge

What I’ve learned about this place can be quickly searched on Google. This hotel is located in Eureka Springs, Arkansas. It’s huge, elaborate and gorgeous. During the day, from a few photos, it looks inviting and like a great place for a getaway vacation in secluded nature. I don’t necessarily feel immediately creeped out by looking at the exterior of the building. As a matter of fact, I feel welcomed and invited. That in itself is a bit unnerving and one of the reasons why I’ve decided to open up research on this hotel first. Not to mention there are Ghost tours. This place on initial contact is classically, beautifully haunted.

The Reading

I’m using three decks total, with a total of two separate spreads. The first spread is an overall energy reading of the Crescent Hotel. An important keynote to remember about ALL energy readings: energy lies. The second spread will be a message channeled directly from Spirit. This almost functions as a “control.” Spirit does not lie, and when I channel Spirit they work in tandem with spirits, i.e. ghosts, the energy that resides at a location and can not be easily seen by the naked eye. It’s always interesting to compare how the energy and Spirit messages relate and differ. The decks I’m using are Archetype cards by Caroline Myss, Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor and The Light Seers Tarot by Chris-Anne.

Child eternal was the first card I pulled after cleansing, clearing and shuffling the Archetype deck. It was upside down, which indicates to me the shadow aspect of the card is more prevalent than the light attribute. With attachment and Five of Swords, I’m picking up on an unfortunate death to do with children. Possibly a parent that wishes they could have been there for the time of the child’s passing, but was unable. Child energy tends to be a lot more forthcoming, it's not shy, typically. An attractive, younger man resides in the middle of the spread, holding a coin. I’m going to take note to look up who actually owns the Crescent Hotel and see if they meet the beauty standard of Man Holding A Coin or if it is simply the hotel itself. He seems to be the one controlling the entire situation, with many auspicious opportunities before him.

There’s a feeling of being overworked, confined by responsibilities and unable to decline a myriad of social engagements that maybe would feel better avoided. There’s the notion with Teacher that there are still many lessons to learn, causes to discover, secrets to uncover. The possibilities are practically endless with this guide. Ten of Pentacles confirms my initial feeling of acceptance, warm and familiar. Just because a family isn’t perfect, doesn’t mean they don’t love each other.

Most messages communicate more smoothly with Spirit through all tarot, and I prefer to combine the cards to decipher the different aspects of energy from the reading that way. A message from Spirit is always plain, blunt and to the point. My Guides don’t necessarily choose to mince words or embellish, although sometimes Spirit will be as encouraging as possible, for the sake of the person receiving the reading. As the reader, I’m not often treated with that courtesy, but I try to take this in stride and try to focus on healing the parts I’m being made aware of.

Directly centered is The Hanged Man, a seemingly carefree figure with a different perspective of reality as we know it. There are other characteristics of this acrobatic figure, such as a willingness to sacrifice in service of others, a waiting and an uncertainty while lacking any sort of direction. In other words, those that are lost and unsure of where to go. Even still, there is beauty in this pause in time.

Above this pause is the harrowing Ten of Wands, who has traveled from afar with many burdens. Even her companion, the faithful yak, a sacred symbol of psychic and spiritual strength, appears to be overloaded with the woman’s material items. Underneath it all weeps the Five of Pentacles, shrouded with grief and loss. Alone and locked away, this person doesn’t realize the key to their happiness is close by, if only they would rise up from their ego based victim mentality and let go of all the burdens.

The Emperor and the Empress are divine counterparts. She is the nurturer and he is the provider, he is the fire and she is the hearth. Their love was ordained by the stars, although with the Seven of Swords above The Emperor indicated untrustworthy behavior and the Two of Wands on the bottom left leaves me wondering if there wasn’t a “grass is greener” type mentality.

Poor Empress is anxiety ridden, repeating cycles. She’s blinded by insecurity and doubt, she doesn't trust herself, leading her to be challenging, unpredictable and given to spontaneity. Both the masculine and feminine energy show qualities of discontent and jealousy. By their royal status in the cards, I feel they were of high social ranking and both giving in to flights of fancy. With the overburdened Ten of Wands and the devastated Five of Pentacles there is a clear financial loss that cost them both dearly, and probably lead to their ultimate separation.


Above all, after a couple days of research, I’ve learned that this amazing construction of the past was built in 1886. So we’re talking about well over a century’s worth of energy that has traveled through the hotel and touched its walls. The Crescent was established by two main groups concentrated around Eureka Springs: the Eureka Springs Improvement Company and the Frisco Railroad. An opulent gala ball took place as a grand opening with a presidential nominee and his wife, plus an orchestra and banquet for 400 people.

No expense was spared in the creation of the Crescent Hotel, even scientists were flown in from Ireland to assist in the meticulous cutting and fitting of the stones of the building. White River Limestone serves as the main masonry for foundation, procured by special wagons equipped to handle the travel from the quarry. This is special to note as there is a phenomena associated with limestone in the paranormal community and limestone's ability to absorb and release electromagnetic and psychic energies. It’s clear to me as some time has passed who truly serves as the Man Holding the Coin from the energetic reading as the self loving energy of the Hotel itself.

The history is rich, the building is luxurious as they come from being built in the mountains in 1886, and there seems to be no end to the symbolism and energetic trails I can pick up by simply quietly contemplating this truly iconic edifice.

I checked out for tales of ghostly happenings within the Crescent Hotel and found stories of a child boy named “Breckie” who died in the hotel due to complications from appendicitis and has been seen throughout the hotel bouncing a ball most of the time. The first death recorded at the hotel was an unfortunate falling accident, a hanged man, so to speak.

At a certain point there was a hospital operating for cancer patients, which is often attributed to the portal activity by researchers alongside the apparitions of a certain doctor and nurses pushing gurneys. Guests have reported having themselves methodically tucked in when they only went to bed with a sheet.

Death certainly runs abroad throughout the halls of this building. Some feel confused, some are sorrowful, and some just simply are. To say this place feels “actively” haunted through card readings would be an understatement. If there was a question about the genuine and otherworldly presence being around this place, my vote is a resounding checkbox at “Haunted.”

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